Essay On Racial Identity

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In a time rife with class, gender, and racial tensions, it can be easy to lose sight of just how much progress has been made in these relations in recent years. Only ninety-four years ago, women were granted the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. It was only fifty-two years ago that the 1964 Civil Rights Act guaranteed equal rights, such as the right to vote, to black Americans. In particular, perceptions of racial identity have evolved drastically. Throughout time, people’s perception of racial identity has changed as racism developed due to the economic potential of a morally corrupt system, then evolved as the moral implications of slavery were viewed to outweigh the economic benefits, and finally has shifted to a new type of racial identity and racism based on national identity. Historically, slavery has always been a part of the world’s economy. However, the slavery that existed before the advent of plantation-style agriculture was completely different than the enslavement of Africans by Europeans and Americans. The original form of slavery was based not on racial identity but enslavement due to …show more content…

Despite this evolution in racial identity, racism has bene a constant presence in society throughout history. Even today, debate rages on concerning immigration policy and the treatment of different ethnic groups in America due to their national identities as Arabs or Mexicans. Whether driven by fear of different culture, view of the superiority of one’s own culture, or some combination of the two, racism remains a problem in American

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