History And Challenges Of Immigrants To America

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Many people came to America in between 1820 and 2010. I will be explaining why I think people endured these challenges to become American. Today we are going to go over the way that the immigrants were treated, challenges they faced, and why they thought it was worth all of this just to come here. Could you imagine being pushed out of your home or state and having to be shipped to another country? Many people can't and this is what they had to face. Some of the challenges that the people who migrated faced coming to America are speaking English or any other language that they had to speak. Many immigrants who have to take classes and learn to speak a language. The purpose of Ellis,Island was to register and check immigrants who hoped to make new lives in America. Others face poverty and sickness because their immune system is not used to the bacteria or disease in the air. When they couldn't find jobs they became poor and that lead up to not being able to pay for a doctor which made them sick. Many weren't aloud and were chalked (a marking of chalk on clothes) and sent back home. …show more content…

On one of the biggest days 10,000 people came through Ellis,Island and checked into the registry room. Only 13.3 percent all immigrants are allowed to come to America, but immigrant's that were accepted into America would mainly work in sweatshops. From 1820 to 2010 75,356,722 immigrants came to America. In the 1900 many people migrated to the West because of the gold rush many people immigrate for interest in

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