America's First Immigrants In The US

2013 Words5 Pages

The United States of America was founded by people who were mainly trying to escape from some religious laws, to gain religious freedom or religion equality. Most of America's first immigrants were Christians, therefore is no surprise the country was built on and with Christian morals. From 1980 till now a large population of immigrants came into u.s, in this group of immigrants are people from 6 different continents, with different religious backgrounds. However, the largest religious group among this large population of immigrants are Christians. A lot of immigrants who are not Christians find it difficult and unsafe to stay in a country where Christians seem to have an upper hand, a lot of people have stepped out from their comfort zone …show more content…

Sante Fe seems to be an Adventist school, as a private school, most of the public school rules and laws don’t apply to them, the most private churches owned schools have the full right to pray or offer religious classes. Two Mothers student's divided into two set of religion one Mormon(latter- day saint member) and the other catholic sued the school because they were against members of the school board claiming that the separation of the church and state is a myth, teacher forcing their children into religious prayer, teachers handing out flyers in class and even worst accusing a Mormon student of being part of a cult. Moreover, when the school found out about the court case they asked parent to sign a petition supporting the school's religious practice because of these the court covered this two parent name by using the name of their lawyer Doe, Judge Kent issued an order called "The Harshest possible contempt sanctions" is anyone(the school) who tries to discover the identities of this two parent,he also ordered the school for removal of any form of a particular religion …show more content…

Removing Christian morals/ speech(like God Bless America ) from the constitution could be viewed as America disrespecting our founding fathers and foundation, moreover there's totally nothing wrong with most Christian morals, is all ends up with people will always try to find faults in every little thing they get their hands on. “A congress that allows God to be banned from our schools while our school can teach about cults, Hitler and even devil worship is out of touch and needs some common sense” Rep. James Traficant, if a country can tolerate teaching of cultism and yet believe they are creating a fair justice and intelligent why can’t they try teaching Christian moral to the student's, America as a whole seems to be slacking off on religious tolerance, most court cases against religion are usually against Christianity, if a government can sponsor someone majoring in biochemistry why can’t they sponsor someone majoring in religion (what happened to equality, shouldn’t the gov’t be

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