Hikikomori Movie Analysis

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This movie is very unique compared to some of the other movies, because the special effects of the movie make it seem very unordinary. The film is also like a documentary about a life of a Hikikomori, as well as describing the situations that this kind of people are put into in order to make their life every different than other individuals. This movie is about the life of this man who is a Hikikomori, and how he was this for 11 years. It not only describes his daily life, but it enhances the events by adding the effects to it. One example would be how when he told that all he ate was pizza, the director included a lot of pizza boxes in the background. Another thing is those pizza boxes includes a lot of the detail into the film, because it …show more content…

Irt not only showed the downside of him being locked up in his house. Also the lifestyle that he chose was based on his choice was a huge decision that he made by himself, as his family or whoever sent him the money respected this choice of him. Even the people who delivered the goods that he ordered respected his choice of being a Hikikomori, and never questioned him about his choice. However, when he met that girl he felt connected because he knew that even she was a hikikomori. In addition he went back to find here, and on the progress she was not only a normal person, but also by the end he made her be a normal person now. Something else is also that the empty streets illustrated that all that he could imagine was the empty streets, because if he did not want all the people around him to be visible and him to judged by these people. Another way you could see this is by the way that he never had communication with his family or anything or anyone around him. He never spoke to someone besides himself, so when he spoke to the girl it was different for him. Nevertheless, he was not only a hikikomori in Japan when he went to meet the girl, he saw others hikikomoris in the house. He describes them to be like him when he was younger, and was a new hikikomori, and the only reason that the people came out were because of the earthquakes. ANother …show more content…

When the main character went outside for the first time, or it was a flashback from his past everyone was wearing a suit, including him. This not only shows that the country is very organized, but also people walking on the street were walking in a specific order, and that could be the reason the the people do not interact with others as everyone is doing their own work, being selfish. Also the delivery people were wearing a uniform, and in unified order, as well as followed their protocol of just giving pizza, and taking the money, no interaction. Another theme that could be illustrated in the film was technology, because the girl was a robot, so when she fainted it was something wrong with her wiring, and when the main character pressed the button on her thigh she woke up. Her emotions were also controlled by what button was pressed, like in the end of the film when he pressed love, she fell in love with him. That could either be a robot, or just a way for the director to express the people as a robot, with their emotions controlled by others, and always being disciplined and organized. Therefore in the end of the film when he goes out he sees a robot who is doing the work, so that shows that when the owners of the store do not have workers to hire, they use technology. In addition Japan, is known around the world for being advanced in their

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