Highschool Financial Mistakes

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Looking at the past 40 years, I have noticed by talking to my family members that while they were young adults freshly getting out of high school many of them made financial mistakes. Could these mistakes have been avoided if they known what to do? Maybe or maybe not who can say; at least they would have had the opportunity to lessen their mistakes if they knew what to do. America has the grade of an F for financial literacy and here are some reasons why. We send our kids to school so that they can go and learn and use what they learned. Highschool is supposed to get us ready for the real world right? So most young adults coming out of high school should now the basics about Financial Literacy like, how to start a bank account, or how credit …show more content…

Credit is a great financial tool to have. But if you don’t make sure your payments are on time then this will destroy your credit and the effects of having bad credit is not being able to get things that you might need, or want. I believe that students should be taught that so that when the time comes they would be ready, and not cluelessly about making their financial choices. There should be lessons in the class that teaches you the do's and don'ts about using different financial tools like, opening a bank account, or how would you pay off your student loans, even taxes. I know it would be very beneficial for students to know this …show more content…

Well in the financial literacy class they would teach you how you should be learning how to budget there money and explain how having a spending plan would ensure that you have enough money to buy things that are important to you. Also when using a budget or a spending plan is a great way to keep you out of debt, or even help you work your way out of debt. In the class there would be courses where you talk about your goals and how you want to look financially to look like. I think this class would help many people in the long run with their fi . When reading an article about keeping up with your personal finances it states “I personally believe that financial stress is one of the hardest things for people to deal with. It can cause enormous strain on all of your relationships and negatively impacts virtually everything you do” (Amy, et al. “6 Advantages of Personal Financial Planning.” Daily Successful Living, 7 Apr. 2018, dailysuccessfulliving.com/6-advantages-personal-financial-planning/.). I agree with this article because it states that “financial stress peaks in the 40s when adults typically have a range of colliding pressures placed upon them” which means that later on down life generations have financial problems. So I think that if the past generations were able to know this information at a young age then it would put us at a better success

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