Compare And Contrast High School And College

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High School vs. College
Starting at the age of five, everyone begins their school career. Students all over go through numerous amounts of tests and homework throughout their time in elementary, middle, high school and college. Although high school and college may seem the same, there are much more that meets the eye. Students go through different amounts of stress, workload, and people.
High school are the four years people want to remember and cherish for those years would be the last with the people you have grown up with. There is limited prep for high school mainly because we are too young to fully understand what is going to be expected. As students enter high school there are many different feelings and emotions circling around in their heads. Instead of the same people they got used to seeing in previous years, they are now thrown into a large pit full of different faces and personalities. While some handle this change well, others see this as …show more content…

The atmosphere is a main difference because in high school you are in a narrow hallway filled with lockers and young noisy teenagers. In college you will notice the large hallways with no lockers in sight and young adults walking the halls calmly. On top of the scenery, the difference in scheduling is another main reason why high school is different than college. In high school you do not have a say on who your teacher may be or what class you will take that year. It is given to you and you have no other choice than to take it. However, college is entirely different. Students have the ability to create their own schedules to work around their everyday life. If a person would like to sleep late into the afternoon then he or she will have the option to take night class; whereas if a person is a morning person then they have to option on taking early morning class. There are many opportunities’ college has to offer that high school does

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