Analysis Of The Transition To College

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Although high schools have changed their standards over the years to prepare their students for the transition of college, does it actually work? In his essay “the Transition to College”, author Keith Hjortshoj explains no, because the conflict that develops when high school teacher and college professor assume upon one another is what makes the transition unpredictable. There was a survey done by students who were in a four year college that the result showed that 90 percent of students attend the first or second college of their choice. The author then explain with the limited perspective, one can assume that college is “ordinary, predictable experience, effectively regulated by educator at both ends of a transition that has become straight …show more content…

High school instruction are not directly continued in college. It may help for the first year because those courses are the basics of the subject. College professor are specialist in their field, while high school teachers have general information that runs on a curriculum. College professor have an academic freedom and can teach whatever they desire. Students should understand that the first year schedule has a lot of variety with the classes being very broad of their subjects. The last basic adaption is that in college, students must learn how to self-motivate and self-disciple. No one is going to watch over their shoulders and be on top of them to do their work. Time management skills needs to be developed and only the student and create their …show more content…

If high schools would stop assuming that they know exactly how their student college experience is going to be, then maybe the student would be aware ahead of time of the obstacles that could come about. I also agree that college professor assume too much that its high school fault that they didn’t teach their student the way the professor wants their students to be prepared for. If they just told the students exactly what they expect from them, then they would not need to complain. I agree with the author when he says that no one can predict a student experience because everything is diverse. It all depends on what the professor wants and it doesn’t matter if the student a good student other subjects. Marie did badly because she did what she wanted and didn’t develop the skill of what the professor wanted. The basic adaption that the author explained were I agree with, but think time-management was the most important. The others aren’t as big as time-management because time is dangerous when its lost and not put to good use in

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