High School Application Essay

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During my high school career I participated in a variety of clubs, bands and volunteer work. Having a serious interest in music and art, I pursued related activities that pushed my limits and boundaries that made a more imaginative thinker. As a musician I performed with and organized several bands both in and out of the school environment. At school, I participated in concert band and jazz ensemble, however I felt that these settings were not challenging enough so during my sophomore year I auditioned for the Select Jazz Ensemble, which was a group that would compete against other schools within the Cavalcade of Bands circuit. I developed a highly competitive spirit and would earn the title of saxophone section leader the following year. …show more content…

By joining these musicians I aspired to build my network as a local musician. In order for one to gain exposure it’s important to be able to adapt to changing styles and environments. Soon enough I organized my own jazz quartet as well as a brass band comprised of other high school musicians with similar ambitions. I hope to continue building my network as a musician whilst furthering my education. Aside from my life as a saxophonist I participated in clubs at school and volunteer opportunities out of school. My friends and I had a fascination with cricket and wanted to share it with the rest of the school, so we began a petition and were able to start the school’s first cricket club. The petition was successful and we began the club with a resounding amount of signatures and began the club approximately two years ago and it still has new and returning members. As for volunteer work, I was assisting at the YBSNJ Hindi Language School, teaching young children who weren’t as exposed to the language. My job was to teach students simple words and phrases as well as learning to write. Besides this, I also volunteered at the Okinawa Kenpo Karate Academy after receiving my first two black belts. I worked at the organization as an instructor for new prospective black belt

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