Hi Brothers Recommendation Letter

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Hi Brothers, my name Thien Nguyen I’m honored to accept your nomination for Worthy Vice Counselor and that you believed I have the potential for the future of PDC. I am a Phi Delta Chi because you helped me through the toughest semester of my life by making Kingsville a human habitat. I want to be able to reflect that motto to the future of Brothers of PDC. In my 15 years of working experience, I have come across many great bosses, pharmacists, and team members. The one thing that I learned as the team leader is “Lead by example”. This may sound cliche, but I continue to live by it. I didn’t mind getting down and dirty. I didn’t ask my team to do the things I couldn’t do or wouldn’t do. If I asked them to come into work early, I would come early with them to show them how it …show more content…

The purpose is to reward Brothers who go above and beyond by attending more than one boys & girls club, highway clean up, American Bank Center and other events. So that they can earn “cash back” toward traveling expense like LDS, Regionals, Grand Council or Founders Day. Now, that we have a stable budgeting system and financial resource like, American Bank Center, we can use the point reward system to keep the outstanding Brothers motivated and let others see the incentive. The point reward system should not be in the bylaws, so that we can make adjustments as needed it. The recent visit to our Brother chapter, Gamma Nu, has strengthen my understanding of Brotherhood. One of the pledges, now a Brother, used a stack of Jenga as analogy of Brotherhood. The stability of the fraternity depends on the support each Brother, like each piece of Jenga. If a Brother fails to contribute, he’s a piece of Jenga that placed on top of the stack to create the weight for everyone else to carry. So, let me be the bottom piece that can strengthen our fraternity with my passion and

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