Herbert Ross Compare And Contrast

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“Footloose cut loose kick off your Sunday shoes!” This famous line is one that all remember. Both the new and the old movie has this song play in them and all ages have heard this line at least once in their lifetime. Even though the movies have some difference the base of the story is the same. To start, the directors are different. In the old 1984 classic Herbert Ross directed and in the 2011 remake Craig Brewer directed. They both had some great ideas and they played them out in their own ways. Brewer changed some ideas from Ross’ original idea. The character’s were the same just the actors and actresses were different. Here is the cast from the 1984 classic: Kevin Bacon was Ren, Chris Penn as Willard, Lori Singer was Ariel, Sarah Jessica Parker was Rusty …show more content…

In the original film Chuck and Ren were on tractors driving head on at each other and the first person to chicken out would have to serve into a stream of water. In the remake Ren, Chuck and two of Chuck’s friends were racing buses. Both of the films Ren wins both of the races. The dance is pretty much the same in both movies. Ren ends up going with Ariel in both the movies after a long battle to get the dance approved by the pastor. Even though he didn’t agree with the dance he couldn’t do anything about it if it wasn’t in city limits. Of course it is going to look better and prettier in the remake but that is because we are in a different time period. Personally I think both the movies were good, but if I had to pick my favorite it would have to be the remake one. I just think it is more relatable and I defiantly like Hough playing Ariel better than Singer. Also I think Ren actor was a better choice as well. I think Wormald fit the role very well. The 1984 will always be the classic Footloose, but so will the remake version. I would recommend both movies to any age. I think the kids will love to sing along to this classic musical

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