Helping A Shy Child

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“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." Jess Lair. Every individual on this earth is special and unique in their own way. As we all grow older and continue the path of life, we all tend to expose the many different positive and negative qualities we obtain. Irene, mother of Jocelyn, describes the different qualities her daughter has obtained throughout her short life. Irene claims she has noticed her daughter obtaining the qualities of being responsible, shy, and trustworthy. “Being a teenager isn't easy. Teens can be put under enormous amounts of stress in school, at home, and with friends, and the expectation to be perfect can be crippling.” Wikihow. In this century many teens are put under so much stress …show more content…

These persons tend to be attentive listeners, private people who exude a welcome presence even without saying a word.” Many people find that being shy is a negative quality, society has come to a conclusion that the more friends you have or the more people you talk to the “cooler” you are as an individual. Irene explains that ever since her daughter was three feet tall and had barely learned how to talk she would keep to herself when it came to being around strangers. Jocelyn has also been told by many people that she always has a frown on her face with her eyebrows coming together at the center of her forehead glaring at everyone that passes by and very quiet. Although people describe her in this manner she is actually one to smile at every moment possible, a chatterbox and one who anyone can get along with. Even though someone is shy and very quiet at the start, it’s not such a negative characteristic after you get to know …show more content…

It's a trait other people look for in a person and it's confirmation that you're reliable, supportive and honest.” Wikihow. There are only a certain number of people that obtain this certain quality. Irene explains that Jocelyn is one who anyone can trust; she herself has found that her daughter has yet to let her down with something very important that she confides in her for. After only 16 years of Jocelyn’s life she has not spoken a word about anything anyone has told her to keep a secret. She has sat down with many people, including family, friends and loved ones, and has had many meaningful conversations that not many people trust others with., even after not having contact with someone something that seems like a lifetime. Because of this attribute many people she knows trust her with secrets, or anything for that matter, and are able to open up to her knowing that their secrets will be kept safe as long as she lives. Trustworthiness can sometimes be difficult to maintain, as you may get the urge to speak to others about someone’s problems, but it is not impossible to keep secrets and keep your

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