Heart Month Research Paper

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A Few Activities for Elderly Parents for Heart Month in Orange County and Long Beach

If you have elderly parents in Orange County or Long Beach, you probably want to help keep them in the best physical condition possible. As you may know, heart disease has become a growing problem for people in the U.S.; in fact, one quarter of the deaths in the United States can be attributed to heart disease. This sobering fact has led to the American Heart Association designating the month of February as Heart Month.

Your parents may be able to deter this disease if they live a healthy and active lifestyle. No matter how elderly a person is, being active is crucial in terms of overall good health. Staying active can also aid in keeping stress to a minimum, and stress is a major factor associated with heart disease. In addition to lowering stress, regular exercise pumps the heart and helps it to function the way that it should – and it keeps people toned and fit. You may assist your elderly parents in staying as active as they are able to, so they might avoid developing heart disease and live their lives to the fullest.

Yoga to Relieve Stress …show more content…

Being a senior citizen can be stressful; seniors are often forced to deal with major lifestyle changes, various health conditions, the deaths of peers and loved ones, and many other personal challenges. Yoga relieves tension in the muscles, and the results are a more peaceful state of mind and less stress overall. Many people feel that yoga is as effective a relaxation technique as meditation is. This makes yoga just as worthwhile as more vigorous activities in fighting the onset of heart disease. You might enroll your parents in one of the many yoga classes available in Orange County or Long

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