Healthy People 2020 Essay

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Healthy People 2020 is an initiation of health programs for the population launched by the Department of Health and Human Services in December 2010.It’s a program that aids in the prevention and promotion of the four Goals – 1. Health 2. Preventative Care 3. Safety from injuries and 4. Premature diseases. A vision to improve all groups, ethnicities and classification free of diseases. A healthy approach to achieve, improve and eliminate differences and improve the social, mental and physical environments with better health quality development and healthy environments through all life stages. Healthy people 2020 has been designed to improve the health of the American Population to provide the best care accessible where almost 1 in 4 Americans don’t have health insurance or a primary care provider to get regular health check-ups. Healthy people 2020 program is renewed with new measures and objectives to understand and communicate with population needs. This essay on Maternal, Infant and Child health focuses on the improvement of the health and well-being in this category. An important role in public heath for the United States. The prenatal testing and the well-being of the pregnant woman determines the health of the healthy next generation and a healthy mental health of the expecting mothers. The objectives of the Healthy …show more content…

Women should be more educated on how they can take care of their health and benefit from the assistance they get from their health care providers and maintain healthy lifestyles before conceiving to reduce risk of pre-natal and post-natal complications. The interview which I conducted was a telephone conversation with a dear friend of mine who also happens to be the director of radiology at a medical center in New York. Their participation with healthy people 2020 on maternal infant and child health emphasizes on the goals to support better birth

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