Healthier Today Research Paper

521 Words2 Pages

A Healthier Today Physical activity is a very important part in everyone's life. It is a great way to fight obesity, help students concentrate and work better during class, and reduce stress levels in students. Physical activity has so many great health benefits, yet people rarely ever get enough of it. That is a huge problem and can make people very unhealthy! That is why every student should be required to take it all four years of their high school career. The requirement of PE all four years of high school would be a huge aid in decreasing the percentage of obese children and teens in the United States. According to the American Heart Organization, there is a 33% or higher obesity rate in children (Song). That Is one high obesity rate! We need to take action and decrease this high rate. We can start by requiring PE all four years of high school. The only physical activity most students get during a school day is when they walk from class to class. These students definitely need some other form of exercise during the day to keep them healthy. Both Children and teens need at least an hour of physical activity a day (Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit. Without a PE class they are barely even getting close to that amount. …show more content…

When a student starts to exercise and become physically active it will increase the oxygen flow to his or her brain causing that student to be able to think more clearly and concentrate better on things during class (How Does Physical Activity Affect Academic Performance?). Some forms of exercise, such as Martial Arts, Dancing, and Yoga can help students with ADHD concentrate a lot better and can also improve the symptoms that come with ADHD (Lee). With this requirement students will be concentrating better in class, make them remember things better and eventually making them get better

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