Healthcare Strategic Planning Paper

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Today one of the top priority leadership in healthcare organization goals is to provide stabilization and growth in transforming their organization values, beliefs, and behaviors in order to provide effective and efficient value care to patients. As healthcare organization today are shifting away from fee-for-service to value-based models to improving and mandating better care outcome and cost saving. The primary aim of strategic planning is to bring an organization into balance with the external environment and to maintain that balance over time (Harrison, 2010). The main primary areas of changes in healthcare are the quality improvement, customer satisfaction, improvement of working conditions, and diversification of the healthcare workforce. With the constant changing and progressing in the healthcare field, it is important to have a strategic plan, strategic planning is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. Initiatives in …show more content…

Magnet organizations are recognized for superior nursing processes, structures, and outcomes, leading to high-quality patient care (ANCC, n.d). Health care organizations who achieve the Magnet award shows and provide nurses deliver excelling patient outcomes, nurses have a high level of job satisfaction, and the turnover and retention of nurse are low as well as the grievance resolution. Achieving the Magnet accreditation is an intensive process that takes about four years to complete, nurses are involved with the data collection and decision-making in the patient care delivery. Achieving the Magnet status isn’t a prize or an award. It’s a performance-driven recognition credential. Achieving it brings not only external prestige but also wide-ranging internal benefits (Drenkard,

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