Health Promotion Proposal

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Health Promotion for Sedentary Adults Using Fitness Technology According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of the adult population in the United States today are overweight and or obese (“Adult Obesity Facts”, 2017). In addition, those that are overweight or obese are placed at an increased risk for related conditions such as heart disease and stroke which are currently two leading causes of death in the United States (“Adult Obesity Facts”, 2017). Americans today are spending increasing amounts of time in environments that facilitate prolonged sitting with little physical activity, whether at work, at home, in the car or out in the community (Owen, Sparling, Healy, Dunstan & Matthews, 2010). Due to this, …show more content…

In 2012, the IOM put forth five goals for preventing obesity: to make healthier food and beverage options more available, transform the marketing schemes regarding nutrition and activity, having school’s player a large role in healthy weights, and urging employers and healthcare professionals to support good health (“Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention”, 2012). Sedentary behaviors include lying, sitting and low intensity activity with low energy output, including daily self-care activities and slow paced walking (Owen et al., 2010). Currently, in the United States, only one in five adults are meeting the CDC guidelines for physical activity which states everyone should be doing two and a half hours of aerobic activity and muscle strengthening for at least two days per week (Sullivan & Lachman, 2016). Furthermore, individuals with a low socioeconomic status and older adults have an increased risk for poor health as they tend to live more sedentary lifestyles (Sullivan & Lachman, 2016). A lack of physical activity can lead to poor health and sense of well-being and as a nation the obesity epidemic is now more significant than ever. With technology being rapidly utilized in everyday life, we can use fitness and wearable devices to help meet the IOM’s goal to integrate physical activity into every …show more content…

Empowering them to manage their care and take a proactive role in their care is a step toward increasing awareness and usability of the technology devices. Educating patients regarding their specific diet and lifestyle modifications can transpire into the use of these devices as some offer tools to log food and beverage consumption, in addition to, specific settings to alert to the patient when they have not moved in a certain time frame. Nurses can provide demonstrations and education on the type and specific use of wearable fitness devices. Helping patients get connected to online diet applications and utilizing goal settings on these devices can also further enhance the user’s results (Samples et al., 2014). In addition, nurses can explain that these devices are an educational tool themselves as they report the user’s steps, movement throughout the day, heart rate patterns and sleep patterns. Due to nurses being in close- proximity to patients and overseeing their care, they can help move the fitness technology industry into healthcare by working to understand the potential and then help implement and develop tools to improve patient outcomes through this model of health promotion and education. Nurses obtain leadership roles and can use their own education with evidence-based research to guide care and lead researchers

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