He Ruined Me Research Paper

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I can’t imagine how many times I’ve heard, “He ruined me”, “I’m so unhappy”, “I don’t want to be here”, “I hate my life”. Every time I hear that I get so sad because your happiness should not depend on anyone or anything else. You should be happy and grateful that you have, family, friends, food, and the most important that you have a life! No one or nothing should take that away you. You should be positive and smile no matter what. In my opinion I think that we are in control of our life, because even though sometimes we can’t control situations, we should be able to control our happiness, by controlling our minds, stop making ourselves unhappy by walking away from situations that no longer makes you a better person.

We can control our happiness by controlling our minds with positive thoughts and making good choices. For example, being optimistic about your abilities. You should tell yourself that you will succeed, even though you might not believe it in that moment. Also, you should stop jumping to conclusions and you should ask yourself if you really know that the thought you are having is true. You should gather information and think about the positive things, not the negative! …show more content…

Sometimes you should let yourself feel angry, frustrated, sad, or disappointed. You should acknowledge them, instead of fighting them or ignoring them. Those are emotions that are part of your life; there is nothing wrong with experiencing these emotions. It’s okay to be sad or angry sometimes! Some people tend to remember negative things longer than the positive things that happened in our lives. We should always remember those wonderful experiences in our past and they should always be in our

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