Have You Forgotten Poem

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Music always makes a statement, and in that statement it can attempt to create a community. This attempt to create community requires defining the self and the other, defining who is a part of that community, and who is not. Tihs action of defining often occurs in music, just by using the words I, we, you, and them. The word used defines the self or the other, and the existence of the self or the other brings the opposing view with it. One example of this is country singer Darryl Worley’s “Have You Forgotten”, a song that questions the people who were against the Iraq war in 2002. Worley asks these people if they’ve forgotten 9/11, the major cause of the war, and implies that the only way anyone could be anti-war during this time was because they had forgotten about the tragedy and devastation that came from …show more content…

In just these few phrases, Darryl Worley makes an obvious separation between those that are pro-war (which includes him) and those that are anti-war. Through the use of the words ‘you’, Worley separates himself from the anti-war protestors, but by using ‘we’ in the second line he reminds them that the people lost in 9/11 effects all Americans and tries to bring the protestors to see and agree with his point of view. Although the song was successful in reaching it’s main goal, to bring Americans together to support the Iraq war, it reinforces that “signaled patriotism and attempted to quell dissent as the country went to war, it also continued to reinforce administration claims tying the Iraq or Saddam Hussein were linked to the attacks” (Schmelz, 138). This is the objective violence that remains from this song. It turns the people against Iraqi people in general — not just the terrorists that live in Iraq, such as Bin Laden and the

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