Have You Ever Tried A Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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How-To-Guide Have you ever tried a Grilled Cheese Sandwich? If you have you might thought it was really good! In my opinion I love grilled cheese sandwiches. Grilled Cheese is an Ancient food according to food historians. Grilled Cheese sandwiches originated in the 1920’s. They are a popular food cheese sandwich. Get a small pan, loaf of bread, butter, a slice of cheese, knife, plate, and spatula.Put the small pan onto the stove.Turn the stove on, by turning the knob to 6(medium)Let the pan/stove heat up for 5 minutes While you are waiting, untie the loaf of bread.Grab your plate, and set it down.Then grab two slices, and set them onto the plate. Grab the butter, and open up the butter.Set the butter and the lid down. Grab your knife, and scoop butter …show more content…

The oven is now heated up. Grab one slice of bread, and set it in the pan, with the butter side facing down.Put the butter lid, back on the butter.Grab a slice of cheese, and open the package of cheese.Throw the cheese wrapper away in the garbage Put the slice on top of the slice of bread in the panThe put your other slice of bread on top of the cheese, facing the butter side up. Grab the spatula, and put it under the first side of bread, With the spatula flip the sandwich, and so the cooked side is facing up, and the last slice you put on is on the bottom. Then set the spatula down.Wait about 2 minutes for the bread to golden, and so the cheese melts. While it’s cooking grab your plate, and set it down on a table.Ok, grab your spatula, and put it under the bottom slice of bread.Pick up the sandwich with the spatula, and set it on the plate.Go to the sink with the spatula, and turn the sink on. By lifting the handle upwards. Rinse the spatula off, and then set it in the drier. Grab your

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