Hartford Hospital Meeting Summary

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Met with the patient upon request as the patient approached this writer in the lobby area. This writer agreed to meet with the patient to address his concerns. According to the patient, he was in a MVA on 4/27/2017 on the highway leaving Vernon, CT. The patient was unable to dose on the weekend due to failure to report the MVA and not having the hospitalization report from Hartford Hospital (discharge summary). This writer explained to the patient about the clinics protocol as this was discuss during his Orientation II with this writer as this writer remember mentioning it during the group session about any visits to the ER and/or any hospitalization, patient are responsible for producing the discharge summary to medical.

The patient reported that he went to the Hartford Hospital and signed an ROI for the hospital record department to fax it to HCRC. The patient have shown this writer proof of the ROI of which he signed. This writer had the patient signed an HCRC ROI and contacted the Hartford Hospital medical record department and was advised from Oscar, he faxed the ER summary two minutes ago. This writer checked the fax, while the patient …show more content…

This writer relayed the message to the counselor afterwards and also update TEAM about this writer encounter with the patient. The patient met with his counselor for further assessment to address the benzo issue and the hospitalization report. It is noted in the hospitalization report that the patient was positive for heroin and benzo. His girlfriend or wife reported to the hospital staff that the patient was using illicitly on the day of accident-20 bags of heroin. Furthermore, the hospital report also noted that the patient was aggressive towards staff members as he tried to leave the hospital and being cooperative during the medical

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