Harry Harlow Experiment: Experiment

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The experiment I’ll be exploring is the Harry Harlow experiment. Harlow theme of his experiment targeted the ideal of attachment between animal; human and monkeys. The need for and the different types of attachments. Harlow focused on how it affected the brain both negatively and positively based on one’s individual variables and differences. Harlow conducted experiments on baby monkeys to see how their behavior would develop if they didn’t have the influence of a mother monkey. Harlow placed infant monkeys into different crates which held a wire-mother, and a cloth mother. These objects represented the touch of an actual mother monkey. While observing the monkeys behavior Harlow noticed that there were things similar to children such as social withdrawal. Harlow did many tests and in one discovered that the hormone levels in some of the isolated monkeys were much higher than those of the non-separated monkeys. In Correspondence some of the growth hormone levels were less in many of the isolated monkeys and higher in the normal ones. Harlow observed the monkeys all during their life including the growing up stage from adolescent to adult see what kind of vibes they’ll give of in social environment as adults. Harlow noticed that monkeys had very odd behavior. They didn’t demonstrate any normal breeding activities, and many of the females did breed became very poor mothers and did not try to take care or even protect their offspring. While studying the monkeys Harlow noticed that there was an intense attachment to the blanket. He noticed that the monkeys appreciated the comfort of the blanket. This can be noticed as a motherly connection. The blanket of course is not the monkey’s mom but the touch and comfort it gives is similar ... ... middle of paper ... ...de disrespectful to the other little kids around him, however this will easily change was he starts spending more time with the ones his age. Another example is a prison this is the place where many people have gone insane and have become unstable because of the lack of social evolvement. Many times when these people are released back into society they cannot function properly and began to make the same mistakes over again. To sum things up, it is important for us to maintain a bond with others like ourselves, monkey human, whatever it is. By having that bond we gain security in ourselves and have confidence to move on in life. For the monkeys having that security stopped them from going insane and gave them some peace of mind. Growing up we especially need our mothers to guide us and be there for us so when we are on our own we can function properly in society.

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