Harriet Tubman Argumentative Essay

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“A survey of African- American history reveals that like the children of Israel, we have had a four- hundred-year collective trauma from which we have yet to fully recover”( p.14). A question was presented to Martin Luther King Jr. the night before he died. The question was has “God been guiding us toward a promised land?”(p.14). I remember listening to that speech in school and even watching it on YouTube. I did not understand that speech when I first heard it, but now that speech has a different meaning to me. I believe that Harriet Tubman has seen the Promise land just like Dr. King and David in the bible. God used Harriet Tubman to lead African Americans to freedom just like he used David to bring Israelis to freedom from slavery. This book is a hard read as well, I think that …show more content…

Even thought Booker T Washington was born a slave, he still did great things after he was free. He went to Hampton Institute and the latter became a teacher. He also founded Tuskegee Institute, which focuses on vocational education over college education. In the 1980 when the lynching’s of blacks increased he was telling African Americans to try harder to get along with white people and stop demanding rights. I think that during that time it’s hard to get along with white people when you are getting lynched just because of the color of your skin. Now the section in the book about music is so real. The music that was played in the slaver days till like 1970 had a meeting to it and some of the music today has a meaning as well. African American music uses to speak about being free, God, spiritual life and it still does. But today our music expresses a different type of struggle. A struggle that talks about poverty, father’s kids, drugs, money, violence, abuse, love and more. Now there is some music that African American has made today that are not encouraging. We do make music that promotes sex, violent, drugs and other bad

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