Harriet Tubman The Greatest Achievement Essay

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Harriet Tubman is most known for conducting the Underground Railroad,but was that all she achieved?Harriet Tubman was born in Dorchester country,Maryland.The year was about 1822.Harriet was born into slavery.Harriet was a runaway slave herself.She wanted liberty for others and herself.What was Harriet Tubman’s greatest achievement?Harriet Tubman did important work for example being a nurse during the civil war,conducting the Underground Railroad,and being a caregiver,but her greatest achievement was conducting the Underground Railroad.

One of Harriet Tubman’s important achievement was being a nurse in the civil war.In document D it States how she would help heal sick solider during the war.These soliders were survivors of the 54th Massachusetts volunteers. She would bathe the wounds of the hurt soldiers.During this time she never …show more content…

She continued to help others.After the civil war she would take care of sick people at her house.She continued with her good work as a caregiver for 48 years.In document E it says about how many people she would help.She would take care of 6 or 8 people at the same time.She would take care of people of all ages.From abondand babies,the epileptic,the blind,and the paralyzed.

Conducting the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman’s greatest achievement for the following reasons.Harriet was taking the biggest risk helping others.This was a big risk she was taking because if they got caught they could all be sold back into slavery.They had to walk until they reach Canada to be safe.There were many different routes they took to escape.They had to walk miles and miles to escape.Harriet lead many slaves to freedom.She helped many of her people escape.She wanted them all to have the right of freedom.Harriet Tubman’s life is important to study because she constantly was doing good work with no benefits.She would always put her life at risk helping

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