Hannah Lawrence And The Denotation Of Nostalgia

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“Even some of the digitals do it for nostalgia’s sake.” (pg 80) The denotation of nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.The connection of the word in the sentence and the denotation is it’s referring to something from the past in the sentence and the dentation is an effect from the past. There both referring to something from the past in denotation it's an effect and in the sentence it's that some of the digitals did or do. “I know, some of you would have easily stayed for such an amazing voyeuristic opportunity.” (pg 222) The denotation of, relating to, or characteristic of a voyeur or of voyeurism (voyeurism is the practice of obtaining sexual gratification by looking at sexualobjects or acts, especially secretively.) The connection between the sentence and the definition is that hannah is using it in the way that she thinks everyone wanted to be more than just what she told them. When hannah uses it,she uses it the way that the people who are listening are peeping toms. “The breeze against my skin, the fading pain in my fingers, the sound of this tape winding from one spool to the next, reminds me of everything …show more content…

We picked this because it talks about what the whole book is really about which is where a girl kills herself because over the years she gets hurt by friends and the people around her and she thinks she’s had enough of that so she ends her life because of the hurting she went through. The connection to the message of this book is that Hannah felt lost and hurt so much that she hated the fact that these people around her could cause so much pain in her life and she thought it wasn’t fair for them to do that because like she said in the passage if you mess with one part of a person’s life then you're with there whole

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