Hamlet's Acquaintances

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Hamlet[']s a[A]cquaintances

1 Hamlet , by William Shakespeare, is a classic work which can be hard to understand since he wrote for so many different audience's [No ' H=50] . To better understand Hamlet[,] you have to see and interpret the foils. One of the overlying themes is revenge although in this time period honor was prevalent and it was necessary to carry out the revenge in an honorable fashion and I will use three foils to show this. [Awkward sentence]

2 The basic definition of a foil is a minor character that A) is compared to a major character through similarities and difference’s [No '] or B) simply there for a main character to talk to, to get to know the main character. [SS; and short paragraph]

3 The first foil is Polonius and Claudius the king. [Which is the foil?] A major difference between them is that the king did not change his person to fit whomever he was around[,] unlike Polonius who very much did. [Differences first?] In the play, Polonius and Hamlet were talking and Hamlet asked Polonius if he saw that camel shaped cloud in the sky. Polonius said yes it does look like a camel but then Hamlet said no, I think it looks like a weasel and Polonius said yes, its back is like a weasel but then Hamlet says no, it is like a whale and Polonius agrees again. The king did nothing like this[,] although he was a murderer and Polonius was not. The king was dishonorable enough to actually murder his own brother. [What is the significance of Polonius changing his personality? -- Doesn't it relate to the conflict of appearance and reality, and thus to Hamlet's problem of deciding if the ghost is "real"?]

4 In most aspects the king and Polonius are very much alike. Both did sneaky things, [examples?] which was dishonorable. Polonius died hastily for his dishonorableness unlike the king though. Polonius was eves dropping on Hamlet and his mother one day when they were having a conversation. Well, ["Well" is not appropriate in a formal paper.] Polonius made a noise or something and Hamlet put his sword through this bush ["bush"?] that was in between them and slew Polonius when actually Hamlet thought that he was killing the king.

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