Halloween Costumes Essay

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Halloween costumes have reformed over time, but if you take a closer look at many Halloween stores, children’s costumes have drastically changed the most. Children’s Halloween costumes are over sexualized today by appearing to be tremendously skin tight and see through, sending an inappropriate message in many professional occupations, and giving sex offenders the opportunity to attack. Children’s Halloween costumes are appearing to be tremendously skin tight and see through nowadays. Back then, when a kid’s desire was to be a pumpkin, the child would be dressed as a genuine pumpkin, but now, specifically for young girls, a pumpkin costume consists of a dress and a pair of fishnet leggings. Evil Fuss, a blogger, shows a young girls Halloween …show more content…

Many occupations like a firefighter, policeman, etc. are being misled by kids as “sexy” or “muscular.” Costumes for young ladies have a stronger disrespectful message to important occupations. For example, a boy’s firefighter costume is very similar to a real life firefighter costume. Meanwhile, a girl’s firefighter costume contains a tight dress with boot stilettos. This can be misleading, in fact, Delisle, a communication consultant, positions, “What kind of message do these costumes send to our girls? While the boys have costumes that look like the real thing, girls are expected to dress up in spoof ensembles, thus suggesting they can't, or shouldn't, do the real job” (par.9). Also, business industries are disrespecting the name of our protective services, and they are using kids to support them. Businesses may perhaps make the assumption that this type of apparel is “adorable”, but most parents absolutely do not. Many women in these professional careers have been offended due to the fact that their occupation is being represented sexually by allowing the sale of provocative and indecent costumes. The production of inappropriate children’s Halloween costumes are sending an inappropriate message in professional …show more content…

No parent would want to see their child trick-or-treating in a costume representing a respectful occupation in a sexual way. Messages are sent around physically more than verbally, and a child showing an inappropriate message can lead to more kids wanting to do the same. Getting rid of sexualized children’s Halloween costumes would get rid of disrespect to the protective services, and sex offenders waiting to attack. Works Cited Castaldo, Annalisa. “Sexy Halloween Costumes and Self Esteem: What Parents Need to Know.” Parenting, http://www.parenting.com/article/halloween-costumes-self-esteem. Accessed 03 October 2017. Delisle, Raina. “Halloween Costumes Are Sexualizing Our Youngest Trick-Or-Treaters.” HuffingtonPost, 14 October 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/raina-delisle/halloween-costumes-sexy-inappropriate_b_6006922.html. Accessed 03 October 2017. Evil Fuss. “Halloween Isn’t Supposed to Be Scary Like This.” Feministe, 11 October 2012, http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2012/10/11/halloween-isnt-supposed-to-be-scary-like-this/. Accessed 03 October 2017. "Halloween Sex Offender Laws.” Find law, http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/halloween-sex-offender-laws.html. Accessed 05 October

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