Half Way House Pros And Cons

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As a member of the criminal justice system, I would support a half-way house being opened in my neighborhood. I would even be willing to donate some of my free time to help with the half-way house. The pros to a half-way house far outweigh the cons in my opinion based off of what my father has told me about the half-way house that he runs. One of the biggest pros that I see is that half-way houses give a newly released ex-offender a place to stay. According to the NIJ, limited housing opportunities for ex-offenders plays a major role in a person recidivating and returning back to jail or prison (2018). Having more half-way houses within the community will help cut down on the re-offending rate in theory. Another pro that I see in regards to a half-way house is that it gives the person structure and rules that they must abide by in order to maintain their residency and freedom. My father has told me that this is vital because most have been incarcerated for an extended period of time and they are used to structure and rules and …show more content…

The biggest fear would be that a citizen or citizens is seriously hurt by one of the residents because that would be counterproductive in regards to the program as well as an innocent citizen or citizens getting hurt. Another con that I would see with opening up a half-way house in my neighborhood would be that the housing market may take a hit since no one will want to live around a bunch of ex-convicts for fear of falling victim to one. Another con would be that not all ex-offenders would qualify to live in a half-way house because of the crime or crimes that they committed. I would think that there would not be a neighborhood in the country that would want a half-way house in their community that housed violent offenders and sex

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