Half Day Debate

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The Debate: Full Day of Kindergarten or Half Day Have you ever wondered, “Is six hours of school helping my child’s education or harming it?” Kids are going to school for full days in kindergarten and half days. Many are questioning what is the better choice; going to school for a full day or going for a half day. The first claim being stated is, kids in kindergarten should go to school for full days to boost their education. Kids that go to a full day of school get an academic, advantage, learns individuality, and gets a stable social behavior. The following paragraphs will give you facts about each type of schooling to help you make your decision. The first reason supporting full days of kindergarten is a full day of school will provide the child emotional stability. A child that goes to school for a full day of school will be around children their age. The NASP center says, “Children are active, playing and working with other children and materials.”(Kindergarten-Full Day Versus Half-Day). What the evidence means is that when children are together working and getting along they …show more content…

One reason that half days benefit your child's education is kids who go to school for half days have higher math and reading scores in standardized testing. Evidence says, “Better reading and math skills than children in part-day kindergarten”(Pittsburg Full-Day vs. Half-Day). The evidence from a reliable source means that kids in half days have better testing scores in math and reading. Pittsburg University says“skills of children in part-day kindergarten grew faster than those of children in full-day kindergarten”. Evidence given from Pittsburg University shows that kids abilities in math and reading grow more quickly than kids that go to a full day of school. In conclusion kids that go to a half day of school have better reading and math

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