Hairspray Character Analysis

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On April 22nd, 2017 at 7pm, Eisenhower High School presented Hairspray, the musical, cast and directed by Serena Kledzik, the theatre teacher there and former actress apearing in The Princess Diaries 2, Dear God and Raising Helen. Originally a movie written and directed by John Waters in 1988, it was adapted into a musical by Marc Sharman, Mark O'Donnell and Thomas Meehan that opened on Broadway in 2002 and has been popular ever since. Hairspray is set in the 1960's in Baltimore and is about a young teens journey to integrate a popular T.V show called "The Corny Collins Show". Having never seen the musical or movie and knowing nothing about the plot other than that it dealt with race and integration, I found this production pretty easy to …show more content…

Because I have worked alongside most of the actors in the show, I know what their personalities are when they are not acting. Based off what I know of the actors, the casting was very well done. For example, Link Larkin, played by Angel Valesquez, is a primpy but down to earth character who says what he means and means what he says. The actor, Angel, is the same way in reality. The entire cast was energetc and enthuseastic, really imbodying their character, with the exception of a few members of the Ensemble, who seemed to be new to theatre and not entirely sure who they wanted their character to be. Dialogue was wel presented for the most part, but there were a decent amount of stumbles that were obvious to the audience. At one point, Corny Collins, played by Edwardo Solorio, stumbled, stopped, said sorry, then tried again rather than pushing through and making it work. The vocals were great, especially on solos. A few duets/trios were slightly pitchy such as "Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", but sounded it fine once they locked in. The band did a wonderful job, they did not overpower the actors or make any noticable

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