Hair Twirling Habit Book Report

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I have been twirling and twisting my hair for just about as long as I can remember. Often, I like twist and twirl my hair around my fingers, it makes me feel good and relaxing. Over time, this mindless activity – hair twirling became sorts of habit for me. In the book of The Power of Habit, the author Charles Duhugg explain to us how habits appear and how they can be changed. Therefore, I would like to describe what I have discovered so far in The Power of Habit book, explain how hair-twirling habit persist, and my plan to break free of this habit.
First, the analyzing twirling hair habit understand the habit of the loop. Charles Duhigg in his book The Power of Habit helped me to understand key components of the habit loop that formed by …show more content…

In my case is the rewards of pleasant feeling when I move my hair and feeling good. I play with my hair to release an overwhelming feeling of nervousness, stress, boredom, or excitement. Often, I don’t even realize when I do it, it just happens. “However, the reason they continued-why it became a habit-was because of a specific reward they started to crave”. (Duhigg 51). Each time I get very nervous, or bored I crave for relaxation and distraction. Stopping a chronic habit can be challenging because the behavior often is done unconsciously. Habits can be relearned with a combination of motivation and persistence. Self-awareness is key when trying to halt a problematic repetitive behavior. “However, simply understanding how habits work- learning the structure of the habit loop-makes them easier to control.”(Duhigg 20). Since, I know how habits work now, I can change my bad habit to a good …show more content…

It makes me look rather weird for any onlooker, and I get embarrassed of myself. I notice that my loved ones feel concerned or even irritated when I continually faced with habit. In order to overcome my hair-playing habit, I need to change the routine. “Rather, to change a habit, you keep the old cue, and deliver old reward, but insert a new routine”. (Duhigg 62). I decided to stay alert and be aware of my behaviors to understand why it keeps happening. A habit’s routine is the most obvious element: its behavior I wish to change. After I determined that my hair twirling habit is caused by boredom and stress, I plan to occupy myself with physical actives like: taking walk outside, exercising. It helped me relieve stress and get busy. Another way to stop hair twirling is to attempt to remove the temptation by pulling the hair back into a bun, or clipping the hair away from the face. Also, I keep my hair short, try a pony tail, or wear scarves or hats. Therefore, it’s important for me to develop an awareness of these trigger as it enables me to act proactively to prevent or minimize the urge to twirl rather than be reactive trying to resist the urge to twirl. If I successfully resist many times, then the behavior might go

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