Gun Free Zone Case Study

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Gun free zones without proper enforcement, such as enough trained personnel carrying arms and non-interruptive monitoring, are a threat to the citizens within them because they attract terrorists for the reason of mass murder with little resistance. Officer response time is a major issue in protecting an unarmed populous due to lack of officers to compensate for armed citizens. In addition gun free zones are too large to insure proper control points to stop guns from flowing through these areas and into the wrong hands. Gun free zones also bring attention to the area as a target by advertising citizens as fish in a barrel metaphorically speaking. To correct this problem there should be a higher presence of officers or trained personnel able …show more content…

Monitoring practices will need to be improved to properly keep known terrorists from being able to get in these zones with arms by which to reap havoc and cause mass panic. Facial recognition software would be a helpful tool by which to monitor the masses for known terrorists or potential mass murders recognizing and stopping problems before they occur. Another critical approach would be the use of security entrances in large gathering areas for metal detectors and a viewable presence to dissuade any possible attacker without imposing too much on the citizen’s freedoms. Also practices such as hiring a small specialized team to oversee activities to prevent and better prepare for mass shootings or terrorist inspired events would be further protection for correct safety protocols in a large populated area. The cost for these monitoring practices could be offset by first obtaining donations from large businesses in these areas for better protection to employees and customers and then maintain them by a combination of splost funds and citations paid through the court …show more content…

Christopher says “Rather, gunmen usually had specific grievances that they chose to take out at certain locations: a workplace, or a federal facility, or a school, for instance” (Ingraham). However terrorism is mainly focused on death toll first and then secondly a statement using the death toll to broadcast their message. Jeb Bush says "You go to places where there is vulnerability and it 's a very powerful symbolic attack on our country" (Trump calls for end of gun-free zones in wake of Chattanooga shooting). These gun free zones are mainly in public spaces allowing large death tolls that attracts news coverage and is ultimately used to broadcast their message by claiming responsibility and giving the reasons behind the

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