Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Being a young American I have witnessed many problems with growing up in this great country of ours. We have homeless people who can 't find work, rising inflation rates, an unbalanced budget, and more importantly, a problem with guns. Like every other good ol ' boy, I am concerned about being the victim of a random shooting, but at the same time, I want to be able to take down a nice10-point buck during hunting season. Guns effect every one of us every day. They fill us with fear or they make us feel protected. My point is this: guns are a problem, but using gun control to abolish them isn 't necessarily the best solution. In gun control I mean laws that keep firearms off the street by preventing their purchase. I agree that some form of …show more content…

But only 27 percent of the criminals who are in prison for crimes involving guns have obtained them legally (Henderson 23). If criminals can find guns illegally now, how is more gun control going to stop them from getting them later? Groups against gun control,the most dominant being the NRA (National Rifle Association), are afraid gun control is the first step in outlawing guns. Though the government is trying to help, they aren 't solving any of the problems, they are just making it harder for the average citizen to obtain a …show more content…

Groups for stricter gun control,such as Handgun Control Inc. (HCI), argue that guns do kill people. They think that it is the gun that makes people feel they are in the right and have the power to take someone 's life and control a situation (Kriegel 818). In reality, one cannot place the blame on the gun. Guns aren 't animate objects that can pick their victims. Guns require people to pull the trigger. For this reason it is my belief that the emphasis of gun control should be placed on teaching gun safety and keeping the criminals from getting their hands on firearms. On the topic of ideal gun control, Karl Simon writes, "...the 'ideal ' gun control program [is] one that does not pose serious barriers to the possession of handguns for legitimate purposes, but does effectively inhibit the use of handguns in crime by a method which has low cost to the criminal justice system and to society at large"(Simon,

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