Growth Mindset Essay

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In her book Mindset, Carol S. Dweck discusses the idea of two kinds of individuals in the world. As well as how their beliefs and attitudes toward life and challenges effect how successful and even how happy they will be. The two groups, the two mindsets, that she discusses are the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. These two mindsets differ greatly in how they approach challenges, and life in general.
A fixed mindset is exactly what is sounds like. It is unmoving, as something carved in granite would be. There is no real change for a fixed mindset. Individuals that possess the fixed mindset feel that they are already as smart and talented as they will ever be. They do not seek to try new things, they do not enjoy challenges, …show more content…

Individuals with a growth mindset welcome challenge and embrace obstacles. They do not require adoration or acclaim for the their trials. A growth mindset offers the idea that a person possess an unknown amount of potential and future possibilities are vast. An individual with a growth mindset does not see an obstacle as a trap or even a difficulty. An obstacle is seen as a learning experience, a possibility to get better at something, a chance to grow. Failure is not even an option for those with a growth mindset, it is merely another stepping stone. The effort, the drive, the challenge is what keeps a growth mindset …show more content…

She was the fastest woman in the world and three-time gold medalist in the Olympics. Yet she had no desire to be praised for greatness. It is easy to understand and relate to her story when she states, "I just wanted to be remembered as a hardworking lady." She simply did not give up. It is her hard work and dedication that she is remembered for. She inspired multitudes of young athletes after her. Just by working hard. That is really all a growth mindset is. The willingness to work hard and not give up.
Few people have ever possessed a straight growth mindset. I have had to struggle with a fixed mindset in the past. When I was younger, still to this day really, I wanted desperately to be able to sing. Sadly that is not a talent that I possess. I simply do not have the voice. No amount of practice will change that. I have accepted it now and moved on. However at the time, I had tried so hard, and put so much time into the effort that I was truly crushed. I was so upset that, for a period of time, I did not wish to try anything new for fear that it would turn out just as

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