Growing Up Research Paper

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Growing up, I often dreamed of everything I could someday achieve. I grew up poor but relatively happy. My parents were young and divorced but both very hard working. They worked long hours to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I will always be grateful for their hard work however, working all the time left little time for help with school and education was not an emphasis in our household. Neither of my parents graduated high school and they did not understand the work it took to have great grades and be involved in after school programs. Not only did I hold my grades up and participate in drama, choir, a part time job and volunteer opportunities but also helped my younger and brother and sister navigate high school and help them to keep their grades up. …show more content…

In fact, I worked and paid my way through my first two years of college. At first I had a hard time, I was trying to work a full time and part time job and go to school full time. This proved to be too much and I did horrible at first. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that I met someone who would help me learn how to get through the lonely world of college. My British Literature Professor, Dr. Betsy McCormick pulled me aside after we finished reading Spencer’s The Fairy Queen and said that If I learned anything from the story, shed hoped that it is that it is perfectly fine to ask for help. Help was something I didn’t receive at home and something I wasn’t used to asking for. I said can you help me and she gave me some of the best advice that year. Ever since then I had more determination and motivation to finish school. I knew I could ask for

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