Group Choreography Essay

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Looking at the tasks and strategies explored in this module, discuss the difference between choreographing for a solo compared to a group piece. Take into consideration theories and practices from current and past choreographers as well as your own experiences.
“When collaboratively choreographing a group piece I found chance methods a more effective tool to use, than when producing a solo.” Reasoning for this is that when choreographing solo chance strategies could only determine what dynamics and movements are used within the piece. However I found that by incorporating chance into the structure of group choreography, It gave me the opportunity to include an additional layer. By rolling a dice I could insert choreographic devices such as cannon, …show more content…

In my opinion it “prevents the performance from looking over crowed while also encouraging the choreographer to use the space effectively.”Although I would like to experiment with the idea within solo chorography by replacing the soloist, it is clear that this strategy is most effective within group choreography
States “There is a big difference between doing group choreography” and continues to say that group work “extends ideas beyond what a soloist can do” I coinside with this as when I am choreographing a solo occasionally I become restricted with the movements available to me as I feel that they are not always impactive enough to translate my intention.
This leads on to contact work as it is expands the movement vocabulary, the dancers can go higher for longer and counteract each other’s weight. Making it very different to solo work when there is only one body and gravity to work with. These extra aspects became a challenge to incorporate smoothly into group choreography as it was something I didn’t experience when choreographing a solo. In spite of that I felt that adding in contact gave the choreography a surprising

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