Gremlin Special Research Paper

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On May 13, 1945, twenty-four officers and enlisted men and women stationed on what was then Dutch New Guinea boarded a transport plane named the Gremlin Special for a sightseeing trip over "Shangri-La." A beautiful and mysterious valley surrounded by steep, jagged mountain peaks deep within the island's uncharted jungle. Then, all of a sudden, the plane goes out of control and crashes with only 5 people, 2 men and 3 women surviving the crash. 2 of the 3 women later died due to their wounds being too great, now Lt. John McCollum, Cpl. Margaret Hastings, and Sgt. Kenneth Decker must fight for survival in the jungle of Shangri-La. Emotionally devastated, badly injured, and vulnerable to disease, parasites, and poisonous snakes in the wet jungle

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