Greenhouse Effects And Ozone Depletion

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Man Made Global Destruction
The Greenhouse effect and ozone depletion are two of the most prevalent environmental issues faced globally today. Greenhouse gases have the ability to absorb infrared radiation from the sun. Global warming refers to an increase in average global temperature due to natural and anthropogenic causes. Ozone depletion describes an observed decline of 4% ozone per decade in the total volume of the Earth’s stratosphere and seasonal ozone depletion events. Ozone levels within the stratosphere are normalizing due to the Montreal protocol but the concentration of greenhouses gases within the atmosphere are escalating and we could see the melting of permafrost in Siberia and Alaska which contains vast quantities of methane which could lead to “irreversible environmental change”

Greenhouse Effect:
Apart from water vapour there are six main greenhouse gases in our environment carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The first three occur naturally in the atmosphere will the others are synthetic and used in industry or as the by-products of industrial processes
Carbon Dioxide:
Carbon dioxide is produced through respiration of all aerobic organisms, emitted from volcanoes and other places where the earth's crust is thin and emitted from carbonate rocks by dissolution, found in lakes, at depth under the sea and commingled with oil and gas deposits. It is also produced in made environments in the production of coal or hydrocarbons and fermentation in beer and wine making.
Methane is produced in natural environments in a process called methanogenesis which is used by microorganisms as an energy source CO2 + 8 H+ + 8 e− → CH4 + 2 H2O. It is a fo...

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Alternatives to CFCs - EasyChem - The Ultimate Resource for HSC Chemistry: Syllabus-Based Dot-Point Study Notes/Summaries, Past Exam Papers, and More. 2014. Alternatives to CFCs - EasyChem - The Ultimate Resource for HSC Chemistry: Syllabus-Based Dot-Point Study Notes/Summaries, Past Exam Papers, and More. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 April 2014].
Log In - The New York Times. 2014. Log In - The New York Times. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2014].
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