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Role of human beings in perpetuating climate change
Global warming essay
Global warming essay
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Have anyone of you felt like; every year the winter is getting shorter or the days are not so cold like they use to be. Well it’s all happening because of global warming. Does Global Warming exist? It’s real, it’s us, and it’s bad The subject of global warming is as popular as the president. These both topics have always been hot subjects in everyday life. Global warming is the biggest storm headed in our way. It is also the most important issue of our times. Those ads or public service announcement on TV about global warming might not be the most attractive but the cause behind it is very important. Global warming is one of the major threats our planet is facing. Most scientists prove the fact that global warming is mainly caused by human activities rather than natural cycles. To simplify it, most mechanisms that we use are affecting earth. These mechanisms are created by humans. Therefore, humans are affecting earth. How humans have caused Global Warming? Humans have caused global warming by doing many things but the main three are burning of fossil fuels and green house gas emission, deforestation, and excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Global warming is like a bad dream going worse. The emission of green house gasses due to human activity contributes the most in increasing global warming. Today, fossil fuels are used as a source of energy for transportation, electricity, industrial process and to increase human comfort in this era. Over the last decade humans have created mass amount of industries. These industries have been burning fossil fuels such as coal, which release carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide; carbon dioxide absorbs heat that raises the temperature of the earth. More than 80% of carbon dioxide comes from tr... ... middle of paper ... ...mful diseases, cleaner environment, last but not the least, saving the planet for our future generation. Scientists used experimental methods and statistical analysis to prove that human activities cause global warming, through emission of greenhouse gasses, deforestation and the use of chemical fertilizer. Environmentalists and scientists are trying to enlarge the use of renewable energy technologies e.g. solar and wind energy. Plantation of trees can also reduce global warming at a large scale by absorbing carbon dioxide. Use of animal manure instead of chemical fertilizers can reduce exhaustion of ozone layer. The use of renewable energy source together with human cooperation can make this environment better place for present and future generation. As a student, as a citizen, as a person living in this world, I am here to say we need to act before it’s too late.
Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are Carbon rich compounds, the combustion of which produces Carbon Dioxide, a pollutant and a greenhouse gas. A large amount of energy is released during this process, which is why the pollutants off products are tolerated. This process occurs constantly throughout the world, in power stations, vehicles and cooking ovens, leading to an immense volume of CO2 being released every second, 50% of which is absorbed by oceans (Oce...
First, during the last few decades the Earth is experiencing greater rate of rising temperatures due to greenhouse gases that are being produced by human activities rather than because of environmental reasons, such as solar or volcanic activities. In 2006 the President of the National Academy of Sciences stated: “There is no doubt that the Earth is warming,” also he added that people are at least partly responsible for these changes in addition to regular factors (Cicerone, par.4). Natural factors have produced climate fluctuations on Earth for several million years. People have effected an atmosphere of the Earth just for nearly one hundred years, since Industrial Revolution has begun (Revkin 340). Of course, it is unfair to say that global warming is caused entirely by humans. For example, people can not have an impact on the position of Earth in relation to the sun, or on the galactic density, or such nature events as air emissions of volcanic gases. As a result of these environmental factors, Earth usually had higher rates of temperature fluctuations during the previous million years than it has in later centuries. On the other hand, people are responsible for the highest concentration of greenhouse gases during the last 650,000 years in the atmosphere due to industrial manufacturing, driven by the increase in consumer consumption (Lindsey, par.
First of all, there are more potent gases being emitted into the atmosphere such as the well known greenhouse gas, methane. Methane is mostly associated with cows. Yes, I said it, cows. When cows fart, they release the greenhouse gas methane. Also, methane heats up the atmosphere more than carbon dioxide. So the point here is that global warming isn't mainly caused by humans.
The emission of carbon dioxide has contributed to 80% to the heating of the earth atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is produced due the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal and oil. The burning of fossil fuel is very important in our society today, because it is used for cooking, used to produce electricity, for heating, for cooling and also for transportation. The industrialization has led to the use of fossil fuel for running machines and driving cars. The building of fossil fuel contributes towards 80-90% of the carbon dioxide we find in our atmosphere today. When the ecosystems are altered and vegetation is either burned or took out, the carbon stored in them is relinquished to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (What causes global climate change, 2005). Methane is another gas being produced in the process which all have served to increase the greenhouse effect in our atmosphere. Methane is produced from the cultivation of rice, from the burning of coal and from cattle, it has increased by 145% due to human
Firstly, global warming is said to be caused by the high levels of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by humans. Smoke produced by factories, vehicular exhaust, and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal in power plants are the primary sources of carbon dioxide. The theory is that carbon dioxide being released into the Earth's atmosphere is steadily building up because it cannot escape into space. The theory as to why the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere actually causes the Earth's average temperature to rise is outlined as follows:
Warming of the climate is something we can’t prevent; people that study global warming know that humans are the main cause. Humans cause global warming by the burning of fossil fuels, cutting down trees and a lot of other things the result of this is that the greenhouse gasses are going to increase. These conclusions are accepted by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations.
Global warming is one of the biggest threats to human kind. It is caused by the raising of earths temperature in the lower atmosphere. Since the industrial revolution the temperature has gone up by 1 degree Fahrenheit of what it has averaged to be for centuries. Doesn't sound like much and your right, but for every degree it goes up already 500 feet of snow won't fall. As in our earth is heating.
Global warming also known as climate change, is the most critical and controversial issue facing the world today. Global warming has been a big issue that has had effects on the environment, the animals, and the world. If we do not put in an effort and stop adding to the effects of global warming the results could be catastrophic. The increase in temperatures in the atmosphere is credited to the greenhouse effect and other pollutants.
Global warming is a problem that affects everyone, caused by human pollution and greenhouse gases, changing daily life and ultimately altering the future of our species. Global warming is
Global warming is a huge global issue concerning millions of people across the globe. Global warming is primarily caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. These gasses are causing the Earth’s atmosphere to become thinner which, in return, causes an increase in temperature throughout the world. Although, most people believe that climate change is a natural phenomenon, others believe that humans are playing a huge roll in the increase of global warming.
Global warming can harm the planet seriously and effect the way we live. Global warming is one of the most important issues in our modern world because of its danger to the planet. Warming the planet caused by human activities such as Industrial processes and transportation activities. Scientists have decided many solutions to solve this problem such as producing energy in clean ways and use less energy. Some of the clean ways to produce energy are solar power, wind power, and hydropower. Also, consuming less energy can save the planet, and decrease the energy production process. Finally, global warming is a serious issue that needs to be solved soon before the situation become worse than now and more complicated.
The most destructive human contribution to climate change is fossil fuels combustion, which results in the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Increased carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and halocarbons levels in the atmosphere cause an imbalance in the earth’s energy. This is because the gases alter solar radiation and thermal radiation which regulate the earth’s energy. Research indicates that anthropogenic climate change is the cause of the increased global warming over the last fifty years. 57 % of the carbon dioxide emitted is absorbed into the atmosphere while the rest is absorbed into the oceans. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the most central greenhouse gas that is associated with global warming (Eby, Zickfield, Montenegro, Archer, Meissner, & Weaver,
Many climate scientists, researchers, and environmentalists are expressing concerns about shifts in the overall climate of the earth. It is believed that a dramatically dangerous warming is taking place in the overall global climate, a problem that is referred to as "global warming”. Global warming is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of Earth’s climate system. This temperature rise is due to the damaging effects of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. It is our responsibility to preserve our planet and our way of living but in order to do that we need to act now. If we continue to destroy the planet with no regard as to how serious this matter is there could be several negative effects to us as human being and other living thing on Earth. This is why global warming is truly a global issue and needs to be tackled collectively. We must to act now in order to reduce the dangerous levels of carbon dioxide emissions and we must to work together.
As we approach the future we are faced with many global problems. Most of these problems arise because we have caused them ourselves. We need to face these problems and find a solution. Global warming, although most often overlooked in importance, is a crucial problem of the future directly related to human activities. Global warming is caused by gases humans release into the atmosphere called anthropogenic gases and by deforestation. Anthropogenic gases include carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofl...
One of the most substantial problems in the world today is global warming. This gradual warming of the earth is in occurrence at an extremely slow rate but it is happening. Many scientists believe that as human’s work and release greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere, it can become dangerous for the long lasting life of humans and our environment. “Unless we take immediate action, the impacts of global warming will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly and damaging, and increasingly affect the entire planet - including you, your community, and your family” (“Global Warming Impacts”). Everyone should be knowledgeable about global warming and the dangers that it brings to our planet. This essay will examine