Greed In Madame Loisel's The Necklace

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(T,P)-The overall theme and purpose behind the author writing this short story was most likely to show how being greedy can hurt you a lot. This is shown in the book by the paragraph on the left, after she felt like she required this elegant necklace, she had lost it. The necklace was way too expensive for them to afford. So, the main theme of the book is greediness makes things end up bad for you.
(SMI)-The author pretty bluntly described their establishment and living conditions after they had to repay the debt of buying the necklace. He describes them as living the life of the needy, and makes it feel more severe by using the adjective horrible. They get rid of their servant, so they have to do all the work, and they lived in a cramped …show more content…

They can't locate the necklace again, so they have to give up everything and become really poor and hardworking to make enough money to pay her back. This is an external conflict between Madame Loisel and her lack of money, and between Madame Loisel and her good friend, Madame Foriester who lent her the necklace.
(CP)-This is a good example of the author characterizing the main character, the protagonist Madame Loisel. The author utilizes direct characterization describing Madame Loisel directly at parts in the story, but also indirect characterization; The paragraph on the left is a mix of the both. Madame Loisel is described as someone who feels like she is deserving of being rich, and can't fathom that she is poor. This makes her aggravated and not grateful while others in her spot would have lived a nice quiet life. Now, this makes it hard to think of her as a protagonist, but later in the story she becomes …show more content…

He couldn't be described as an antagonist, so he falls under protagonist with Madame Loisel. The author describes him with indirect characterization, meaning we have to interpret the kind of person he is via the things he does and says. Here he is talking to his greedy wife and he is giving her the opportunity to do something she wants, to go out and party. He had worked hard for this invitation, showing he is a loving husband and a hardworking man.
(F)- Here is an example of foreshadowing in this short story. This comment, saying he didn't sell the necklace alludes to the fact that the necklace Madame Forestier lent Madame Loisel for that night of the ball was not actually made with real jewels. Along with the fact Madame Forestier lent Madame Loisel the supposed “Diamond Necklace” so easily and without concern to Madame Loisel, who had not visited as frequently, makes you feel like it could possibly not be worth as much as 40,000

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