Graeme Base and Animalia

517 Words2 Pages

Structural Frame

Art Materials and techniques:

Graeme Base uses air brushes, brushes, scalpels, pencils, water colours, transparent ink, technical drawing pens and some use of the computer.

He mixes a lightness of text, sometimes with alliterative tongue-twisters and sophisticated language made up of stylized illustrations full of hilarity and details that challenge readers' point of view. The book, Animalia contains over 1,500 objects including things such as food, musical instruments, and characters as well as the featured animal for each letter. Base also includes an image of himself when he was young as an extra for the watchful eye on every page.

Line, tone, shape, colour, texture and pattern:

Graeme Base uses lines of different thicknesses to make the drawing look more realistic. He also uses different tones of colours. An example would be from ‘Six Slithering Snakes Sliding Silently Southward’, the main snake’s body and tail contains at least four different colours. He also repeats the way the books are place in the library.

Symbolic Meanings:

The Lion symbolises royalty, the books symbolise wisdom and the golden fur and mane of the lion symbolises power (because gold is usually worn by rich people).

Cultural Frame

Graeme Base was born in 1958 in Amersham, England, and moved to Australia in 1966 at the age of 8. he is now an Australian Citizen but when he came to Australia, he said that he felt like an outsider. He went to Swinburne Institute of Technology and studied the diploma of Art. At school, the only way to impress his friends was to study and learn visual arts. He grew fond of flora and fauna and loved the land (which is where he got his ideas from). He then enjoyed poetry and wrote his first picture book; My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch. Graeme Base says that much of what he uses in his illustrations is a result of his childhood. "Everyone is influenced by their childhood. The things I write about and illustrate come from a vast range of inputs, from the earliest impressions of a little child, others from things I saw yesterday and still others from completely out of the blue, though no doubt they owe their arrival to some stimulus, albeit unconscious. I have a great love of wildlife, inherited from my parents, which show through in my subject matter, though always with a view to the humorous—not as a reflective device but as a reflection of my own fairly happy nature.

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