Governor Riley Case Study

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Governor Riley and his staff took the right course of action to address the tragedy that surfaced from the death of Mr. Mickey McClinton. He and his staff were able to effectively accommodate the request to meet the needs of the protesters by diverting a crisis from happening which could have great political implications not only for the State of South Carolina but could have ruined his political legacy as governor. Nevertheless, this situation could also have great repercussion for public safety had the protesters demands been ignored and it could have erupted into violence and chaos. On the other hand, the governor’s strategic and political maneuvers will also allow his office to address the Chester Movement for Justice's concerns including those had absolutely no connection to the death of Mr. McClinton. There are always certain risks involved if direct action is not taken the time to be address certain matters promptly. Nevertheless, personally agreeing to meet with the leaders and organizers of the protest allows the governor to accept responsibility as the head of state of the State South Carolina by taking an assertive twist and approach to this matter. …show more content…

The governor did an adequate job of preparing for the meeting with protestors. Another interesting point to make about the governor in this case which was significant is when he asked the mother of the deceased if she thinks that her son was murdered and castrated and she replied “yes” and he responded by saying “I believe you.” He also asked the mother if she wanted a second autopsy which she agreed to

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