Government Spending In The United States

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Introduction The spending by the government has elicited controversial discussions regarding how to ensure that the economy is affected positively. The government spending is a bad way to stimulate the economy. This issue is described by various persons especially the impact the government spending has on the economy of the United States of America. The point of discussion of this paper focuses around the quote made by Thomas Sowell, an American economist and a political philosopher. The Quote Thomas Sowell said that, “The real goal should be reduced government spending, rather than balanced budgets achieved by ever rising tax rates to cover ever rising spending” (Hawkins, 2012). This quote is technical in describing the need for the government …show more content…

The government requires more funds and financial choices would mean that it would focus more on taxation to cushion the excess spending. The Federal Government will always extract cash from other areas to attain the weight of its spending, and therefore it opts for more taxation plans (Mitchell, 2008). The high taxes imposed on the citizens by the tax system of the United States causes laxity in the productive behavior. In other words, the citizens would feel burdened by the heavy taxation occurring in savings, investment and employment (Mitchell, 2008). Another form of source is borrowing from international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund or the IMF which plunges the country into high foreign debt. This would still come back to the high taxation in the future as the government fights to pay its debts. Plus the borrowing will also have a strong effect on high inflations, thus leading to a weaker Dollar, meaning the economy cannot be competitive in the international market. Therefore, the high government spending has consequentially led to poor results in the economic situation of the …show more content…

Conflict theory, compounded by Karl Max, claims that the society is in a continuous conflict state because of the competition that occurs for the limited resources. It focuses on the point that the order of the society is maintained by power and domination instead of conformity and consensus. In other words, the personnel or people that possessing power and wealth fight on holding the advantage through all means possible, especially by suppressing the rights of the poor and those without

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