Gun Control: The Sociological Issue Of Gun Control

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Each person has a different view on the world. If a person is asked about their view on a certain subject, they will likely show support or disdain for the subject. For example, some people believe abortion is morally wrong. Others view abortion as the mother’s choice since she is carrying the child. On the issue of gun control, people are usually either for or against stricter gun laws. Why do people view the world in the way they do? How do people decide what stance to take on an issue? To answer these questions, sociologists look at the sociological perspective which “stresses the social contexts in which people live” and “examines how these contexts influence people’s lives” (Henslin, 2013, p. 4). Furthermore, the sociological perspective …show more content…

I view the world from the sociological perspective of social interactionism, which uses symbols to view human interaction (Henslin, 2013). A symbol can be anything a person assigns a meaning to (Henslin, 2013). For instance, the symbol of a bed might conjure an image the person’s bed at home. My world is defined through a series of symbols and how I perceive those symbols. For example, in my mind, the symbol of a smart phone equates to an image of an iPhone. This view of a smart phone is influenced by popular culture and my own personal experiences. In the United States, I observed that many people have an iPhone for a smart phone instead of a Samsung Galaxy or another type of smart phone. For a while, even I had an iPhone. When my dad informed me that my new smart phone would be a Samsung Galaxy S4, I was upset. I did not want to learn how to use the Samsung Galaxy. I also argued that it would be too big to fit in my pocket. Eventually, I got used to my Samsung Galaxy but I still feel sad that I did not have the latest …show more content…

An example of conflict theory is gay marriage. Homosexual couples are struggling for the right to marry their significant others. However, they face opposition from heterosexual couples and traditionalists who want to keep marriage strictly between a man and a woman. Homosexual couples want to redefine the meaning of marriage while heterosexual couples desire to keep the traditional definition of marriage. I did not choose conflict theory because I dislike conflict. While I acknowledge that there will always be a power struggle between two parties, I do not see the world in a way which acknowledges a

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