Gossip Girls Stereotypes

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In Gossip Girls, Serena and Blair fits perfectly in stereotype roles, but compare to them Vanessa and Jenny is opposite of those two. They have different characteristics that led to having stertypical characteristics. Why do Serena and Blair fits perfectly into stereotypes? It is because they are introduced as stertypical wealthy girls. If people think of wealthy girls, they think of pretty, wealthy, powerful, living off parents, and rich white girls. So, why does those two characters in the show played out as one of stereotype? Serena and Blair is played out as stereotype role in the act. Serena’s gender role in the show is that she is free spirit who chooses to engage in sexual. Serena appearance is described tall, beautiful blonde, and …show more content…

Chuck’s father is one of stereotypical father role. Chuck ‘s father known as The Captain is aggressive and forceful dad. He expects his son to jump into the business world and meet business people. While in the party the Chuck’s dad said, “Why do you think I do all this, huh? This party is for you, okay? So you can meet new people you know, become a part of something make some kind of change” (Season 1 Episode 2). The appearance of The Captain is looking wealthy with his suits, tall, broad- shouldered. He holds lots of responsibilities as a dad and to protect his family. By this quote we can tell he is one of aging old father, “The old man doesn’t wear the hours as well as he used to…” (Season 1 Episode 8). Considering the high elite father, on the other hand there is low class father Rufus. Rufus is general stereotype father like caring children, has a job, and trying to work out things better for their children. He is standing by next to his children every situation. But The Captain is always busy with business, he doesn’t have time to stand by his son. Rufus, he reunited with his wife even though his wife left him and children. He came reunite with his wife because of their children. He thought that at that age they need mom’s

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