Gossip Girl: Censorship And Banned Movies

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Essay #2: Censorship and Banned books Have you ever wanted to read your favorite book but you couldn't because someone random in the world decided it wasn't fit for you? I would be very disappointed and furious too that i'm not able to read a book that I have always liked growing up in my local or even school library. North Korea didn't approve of sony's movie The Interview because it was about “a tv host and their producer manage to secure an interview with Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea – only to find themselves hired by the CIA to assassinate him.” Of course, North Korea found that as a very big issue along with the disrespect. In fact the UN ambassador, Ja Song Nam, also thought it was nothing good coming from the movie as he said “ The United States authorities should take immediate and appropriate actions to ban the production and distribution of the aforementioned film; otherwise, it will be fully responsible for encouraging and sponsoring terrorism." Cecily Von Ziegesar is known for her most famous work of writing the “Gossip Girl” books. The books series are about a clique of rich and sometimes snobby teenagers from manhattan and the exploring through alcohol, sex, and drugs. Ziegesar “borrowed the setting from her life” which she was “just describing a world that she …show more content…

One of the parents, Tony Smith, commented that for example "The f-word is in there. It makes reference to 'F&$% this test,' 'F&$% the teacher.' It makes some sexual explicit comments in their that I find very offensive, as a parent.’’ but that's all Ziegesar teenage life was about and in someway added into all her books. Her teenage life was explicit. After the complaint by Mrs.Smith, “the school board and administration decided to remove the Gossip Girls books from all the libraries in the

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