Gordon Brown's Assassination Attack On Malala

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Ever since the assassination attack on Malala and the aftermath, people all around the world has been supporting Malala and her family. Despite some people not supporting Malala and her family like some people in Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Taliban. But this doesn’t stop Malala and her family from moving forward. There has been positives and negatives outcomes and responses of individuals and groups to the assassination attack on Malala and the aftermath.

One of the biggest outcomes to the assassination attack on Malala and the aftermath is the Malala Petition. Weeks after the assassination attack on Malala, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, set up a petition in her name. This petition was to help Malala with her fight for the rights of girls to get an education because they felt sorry for her getting shot for committing no crime. The Malala petition is about trying to get Pakistan to pass a right to education bill. On e of United Nations goal promises that all children, boys and girls alike, should be able to complete primary schooling which is kind of based on the Malala petition. Malala was the first to sign the petition and more than 3 million signatures followed.

One of the responses to the assassination attack on Malala and the aftermath was from Nicholas Kristof of the …show more content…

Malala received messages from a lot of these people. Selena Gomez tweeted about Malala, Beyonce wished her well on facebook, and Madonna dedicated a song to her. She even got a message from Angelina Jolie. Malala was also receiving parcels, boxes of chocolate and teddy bears of every size and shape. But the most beautiful thing she received was a parcel from the children of Benazir Bhutto. She was the 11th prime minister of Pakistan and was assassinated in 2007. Inside the parcel was two shawls that had belonged to

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