Gophers Research Paper

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Why Gophers Are So Destructive And How To Get Rid Of Them Gophers are cute little animals, but they are highly destructive. Even though they stay underground most of the time, they leave visible damage in their wake. You may not actually see any gophers, but you'll know you have at least one by all the mounds and tunnels in your yard. When you spot gopher activity, you want to call a rodent control professional before extensive damage is done. Here's why rodents are such a danger and how you can get rid of them. Why Gophers Are Dangerous Pests A gopher won't hurt you unless you scare it or try to hurt it. They hide most of the time and they eat plants so they're not interested in you or your pets for food. However, they do transmit some diseases like rabies and parasites like ticks, so you don't want them around. …show more content…

Another danger of having gophers around is that they attract predators like snakes and coyotes that add to your problems. Not only that, your dog may dig constantly in the yard trying to get to the gophers and that causes even more damage. How To Get Rid Of Gophers Most methods for getting rid of gophers involve killing them. They can't be lured into live traps easily, and if they are, there's the problem of where to release them. The exterminator might use a rod to locate the tunnels and then place snap traps in them. Since the gophers will die under the ground, there won't be an odor problem. Another method involves flooding the tunnel system with gas that kills them. Poison might also be used if it's deemed safe in your situation. The exterminator assesses your property first and then determines the best way to get rid of the gophers in a safe and effective manner. The good news is gophers tend to be solitary creatures and they have large territories. If you have a small yard, you may only have one gopher to get rid

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