Google And Google: Search Engine Optimization Of Google

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Search Engine Optimization

“Yarr ,I don’t know what is the meaning of this word ?”, “How to do it ?” “Does there any previous work ?” such sentences we often here from our friends, colleagues , etc and we often say them “arey search it On GOOGLE “.
Now a days everyone is well known of social media & its benefits in our fast & complicated life.We can imagine our tough life without Google.
Then what is this “GOOGLE” ? , “ How it is so intelligent ?” “ Why it came into existence?” .
Google is nothing but a “ Search Engine “.Then the question is that what is search engine and its related concept.
As we go down the article our doubts will be more clear.

 Search Engines:
As we have discussed earlier , Google is the search engine.
“Search Engine …show more content…

Optimization means minimizing cost of website & maximizing its efficiency.
As discussed , to increase business from website we need to have more attention form visitors/ users towards our e-commerce website.For this a new field came into existence that is
SEO [Search Engine optimization ]

Search Engine Optimization:
Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing that is making effective use of website so that it performs well organic search results.
• “Organic Search” results means when the results which are shown on search engine results pages that appear because that results are related to search terms. Organic search is a unpaid natural ranking which is determine by search engine’s algorithm.
• In contrast, ”Paid Search” allows you to pay to have your website to be displayed on top position of search engine results pages.
As a website developer ,we go for traditional organic search that means we work to have top position in search engines without paying anything to search engine and that is what is done by SEO.
As we know, Search engines has millions of users all over the world & every seconds search engine provides services to its …show more content…

2) Search terms or Keyword : They are known as keywords which is enter by user in search engine & which has the some relevancy to search engine results and also they can increases visibility of website and thus responsible for ranking of website in search engine results.

 Importance of Search Engine Optimization:
According to observation , the majority of search engine users mostly click on one of top 5 suggestions displayed in result pages of search engines . Search engine generates SERPs [Search Engine Result Page] after searched for Search terms. So as Marketing Concern, to take advantage of this ranking method & gain more visitor’s attention to our website or we can say to gain customers for our Online Stores , We need to have our website among top 5 position of search engine result pages & here SEO plays an important role.
As SEO increases traffic of users of website in search engine and thus it increases chance of ranking higher. SEO is good for social promotion of website.
Lets take a real life scenario, If there are two websites selling same product then the search engine optimized website will have more customer and will make more sales as that website will be in top 5 results of

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