Has The Catholic Church Truly Adhered To Themselves By The Savior?

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From his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ preached his most famous words that went on to form the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church: “Turn away from wrong – confess wrong-doing”; “show compassion to the poor, the despised, the outcast”; “Be sincere, not a hypocrite”; “Love your enemies; do not hate, be reconciled”. It is from these words that the entire Catholic Faith, 1.2 billion strong, is largely based. But has the Catholic Church truly adhered to these preachings by the saviour? Would God truly be happy with the history of the Catholic Church, and the state it is in today?
If you ignore the faith aspect of the Church and instead concentrate on the history and actions the Church has taken and done then many Catholics, priests and …show more content…

The Catholic Church habitually donates billions of pounds to overseas charities – The Economist stated in 2010 that the American Catholic Church alone donated $4.7 billion to charities, not to mention the amount given to local charities through the Sunday collections in churches all over the world. 26% of all world HIV/AIDS help organizations are run in some way by the Catholic Church, and especially in Africa where Catholic missionaries and charities have successfully managed to greatly alleviate the rate of HIV/AIDS. It’s not only about the physical relief of the poor – it’s about the message that the Church preaches: a message of hope and …show more content…

Would He be content to know that His ambassadors on Earth acted and still act the way they do; pillaging countries for monetary gain, taking advantage of the needy and ignorant, and ostracizing certain groups of His children from the church on the basis of their sex, orientation, or religious beliefs? He would be ashamed at the state of the church, and He would despair for their actions. God would hate the Catholic Church.

Works Cited

• Economist.co.uk (2012): “Earthly Concerns” (online), available at http://www.economist.com/node/21560536 (accessed on 13 Dec 2013)
• Independece.co.uk (2010): “Is Religion a force for good in the world?” (online), available at http://www.independence.co.uk/issues-online/topics/rights-and-discrimination/religion/is-religion-a-force-for-good-in-the-world (accessed on 13 Dec 2013)
• YouTube.com (2011): “Intelligence Squared Debate – Is the Catholic Church a force for good in the world?” (online), available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLtuD2CKY-U (accessed on 13 Dec 2013)
• Wikipedia.com (2013): “Catholic Church” (online), available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church (accessed 13 Dec 2013)
• Unknown: “The Holy Bible”; London, Collins Publishing (2008)
• Russell, B: “Why I am not a Christian”; London, George Allan & Unwin Ltd

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