God Never Created Institutional Government

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God never created institutional government when he created man. His original purpose and principle for the human race was personal relationship. When God created Adam, he gave him a mandate to have dominion over the resources of the earth; to work, which is “to become”. The original plan, found in Genesis 2 ESV, was to develop and progress. After Jesus fulfilled the law in the New Testament, we understand there was no need for the law, but it was fulfilled through him, coming to earth, taking on the form of man, and bringing salvation to all those who fell under sin. People are afraid of change. They adapt to doing the wrong things all the time, they cannot tell the difference of what’s right. “When leaders contemplate change, their first consideration must be the anchors that provide stability in a changing environment. Abraham believed …show more content…

Similarly, the Christian life is an ongoing progress of change and internal revolution, grounded in the belief that this process is reforming us to become more Christ like” (Boa 2007). So it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual realm. A municipality should have the authority to self-governance. The purpose of self-governance addresses issues that seem unimportant by State government. In order for a city to develop or progress successfully, there has to be a beneficial change. Elected leaders need to powerfully influence people. Instead of feeling stuck waiting on the government to dictate policies and regulations, with a home rule charter, the citizens along with local government can determine the laws within

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